To know where we want to be in 5 years' time in terms of digitisation, we need to know where we are starting from.


We help to make decisions based on empirical quantitative and qualitative data, regulate the digitisation project and the actions by involving all stakeholders and giving them the opportunity to express themselves in a framework where data and information are processed in a scientific way.

We work with management teams to access or construct good quality and relevant
data-collection tools.

We assure the collection,
the organization and the security of all data.

In organizations, less than 1% of unstructured data is ever used

Harvard Business Review

With over 20 years of experience explaining statistical results to
non-specialists, we know how to 

Data analysis and personalized feedback 

It’s easy to take a survey. The challenge is interpreting a mass of data and turning it into effective action plans.

Our data analysis service does the hard work for you, helping you understand your data and extract its benefits in a time-effective and enjoyable way.

Extract key findings

Uncover underlying trends

Bring coherence out of multiple diverse perspectives

Strategic Guidance

“Data helps us understand what is going on. But that is not enough.”

90% of managers go straight to the question, “So what?... So what should we do?”

We help you turn your audit into action by using your data to work out with you the why, what and how of strategic digital development :

  • The WHY : Your strategic vision and long-term goals

  • The WHAT : Action priorities to move towards long-term goals and  mid-term objectives

  • The HOW : Breaking down priority actions into bite-sized pieces, so you are clear about what is going to be done when, by whom, how progress can be monitored and how every action fits into the overall masterplan.

Empowering Your Organization's Digital Mission

Join Leadertech in forging a digital trajectory that's insightful, practical, and tailored for your institution's unique journey.

