
Unite vision and action: our talks will lead you to excellence by mobilising your teams and deepening your understanding of current issues!


Why define a digital strategy for your educational establishment ? Apple Briefing, SWISSDIDAC, Bern, Switzerland, 2023 

The pedagogical challenges of generative AI, Gymnase de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Swtizerland, 2023

Risks and opportunities of generative AI for education, Digital education task force, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2023

Bringing digital technologies into schools, istituto scolastico di Lugano, Switzerland, 2023

AI in higher education - a conference for secondary school principals in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2023

Digital coaches: roles, challenges and issues - a conference for digital coaches in primary schools in Sion, Switzerland, 2023

Digital technologies and pupils' well-being - a conference for teachers (300+) from Sion primary schools, 2023

Teacher shortage and virtual reality (Lehrermangel und Metaverse) - a conference followed by a workshop, Bern, Switzerland, 2022

Christiane Caneva and Caroline Pulfrey

Scientific conferences

Caneva, C. & Pulfrey, C. (2023). Coaching teachers in a digital education reform: what is the role of instructional coaches? 7th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (INTED), Valencia, Spain.

Caneva, C. & Pulfrey, C. (2023). School leaders: from crisis management to digital transformation? 7th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (INTED), Valencia, Spain.

Caneva, C. & Pulfrey, C. (2022). Human challenges schools face in their quest for digital integration and how to overcome them. International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Sevilla, Spain.

Pulfrey, C. & Caneva, C. (2022). What to prioritize in building academic digital capacity: using SELFIE to support digital development in schools. International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Sevilla, Spain.

Caneva, C., Pulfrey, C. & Monnier, E.C. (2021). Issues, difficulties and needs of digital instructional coaches in supporting teachers in implementing digital technology in schools: the EduNum project. (canton de Vaud, Switzerland). International Conference AUPTIC, Sierre, Switzerland.

Caneva, C. & Pulfrey, C. (2020). Managing a school during a pandemic: the viewpoint of school principals in Vaud (Switzerland) administrative region. International Conference AUPTIC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Christiane Caneva

Scientific conferences

Cattaneo-Molteni, L., Platteaux, H. & Caneva, C. (2024). Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating a chatbot in a Faculty Development Centre. EDEN Conference, Graz, Austria.

Caneva, C. (2024). Enhancing digital capacity in educational institution. 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (INTED), Valencia, Spain.

Brabant, C. & Caneva, C. (2023). Family learning in haredi Jewish communities in Quebec: for a quality and adapted education. 19th international conference of the AFDECE (Association Française d'Education Comparée et des Echanges). Education in the context of crisis: a priority issue for comparative education, IFASIC, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Caneva, C. (2020). Supporting school leaders when implementing digital projects: avenues to follow based on 60 empirical studies. International Conference in Education (CRIFPE), Montréal, Canada. (Conference cancelled)

Brabant, C., Gaudreau, J., Caneva, C. & Dumond, M. (2020). The case of distance learning for young people: the contribution of parents to the governance of the Quebec education system. 88th Acfas Congress, Sherbrooke, Canada. (Conference cancelled)

Gaudreau, J. Brabant, C., Caneva, C. & Dumond, M. (2020). Parental participation in the governance of the Quebec education system and the modelling of democratic learning: the case of alternative public schools. 88th Acfas Congress, Sherbrooke, Canada. (Conference cancelled)

Dumond, M., Brabant, C., Gaudreau, J. & Caneva, C. (2020). Parental participation in the governance of the Quebec education system and the modelling of the democratic learning process: the case of homeschooling. Colloque Éducatif Présent!, University of Montreal, Canada. (Conference cancelled)

Caneva, C. (2019). The missing link: a critical perspective on the role of school principals in implementing digital education action plans. 87th Acfas Congress, Gatineau, Canada.

Caneva, C. (2019). Professionalization and professional development of teachers in a context of digital integration: the case of Costa Rica. International Conference in Education (CRIFPE), Montreal, Canada.

Brabant, C., Caneva, C., Gaudreau, J. & Dumond, M. (2019). The progress of educational innovations proposed by parents within the institution: alternative, home, native and distance schools. 87th Acfas Congress, Gatineau, Canada.

Caneva, C. (2018). The contribution of research to the development of digital governance in an educational context: the 'digital education' project. Symposium on Governance and Integration of Educational Research. International Conference in Education (CRIFPE), Montreal, Canada.

Brabant, C., Caneva, C., Goudreault, J. & Dumont, M. (2017). Innovation Proposals From Marginal Groups of Parents And the Institutional Response To Bottom-Up Change: A Study Of Four Limit Cases, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Copenhagen, Danemark.

Caneva, C. (2017). Introducing digital technologies in a teacher training institution. What are the challenges? Education and Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland.

Caneva, C. (2017). Future teachers and technology: uses and perceptions in initial teacher training. International Conference in Education (CRIFPE), Montreal, Canada.

Caneva, C. (2017). Training to be a teacher in a developing country. What role for digital technologies? Acfas Congress, Montreal, Canada.

Caneva, C. (2017). Training Teachers in a Developing Country: What is the Place of Technologies in Current Practices? Interdisciplinary Conference on Education, Research, Humanities, and Statistics, Washington DC, USA.

Invited lectures

Artificial intelligence in education.. Training day for the school leaders of Fribourg's secondary schools, May 2023, Fribourg, Switzerland,

Teacher shortage in Switzerland. What are the causes and what does the future hold? Is the Metaverse the solution? CNO, 31 October 2022, Bern, Switzerland.

Round table discussion in connection with the publication of the book "School, training and research in education in a crisis context". HEP Bejune, 28 October, 2021, Delémont, Switzerland.

Integración de las TICS en el programma de education prescolar y primaria de la Universidad nacional. Invitation par la directrice adjointe du Département de l’éducation de base (División de educación basica) de l’Université nationale, May 2020, Heredia, Costa Rica.

Politique de mise en œuvre de l’éducation numérique dans le système de formation du canton de Vaud. Invitation par le secrétaire général adjoint du Département formation jeunesse et culture du canton de Vaud. Journée de conférences sur l’éducation numérique, 25 March 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Se former au métier d’enseignant sur Youtube, Cycle de Conférence de l’Université de Genève, Brown bag, 12 avril 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

Intégrer les technologies dans un système de formation : les enjeux pour les directions d’établissement. Invitation par la directrice générale de l’enseignement primaire et secondaire du Canton de Genève à intervenir lors du conseil de direction de l'enseignement primaire. 19 December 2017, Switzerland.

Intégrer les technologies dans un système de formation : les enjeux pour les directions d’établissement. Invitation par la directrice générale de l’enseignement primaire et secondaire du Canton de Genève lors de la rencontre des représentants de directions du primaire et du secondaire. 6 December 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.

L’intégration des TIC dans les cours de français L2. Conférence sous invitation à la journée de formation continue des professeurs du Département de langue et littérature, Faculté de Lettres, Universidad de Costa Rica. 8 September 2016, San José, Costa Rica.

L’utilisation des technologies pour l’écriture collaborative. Conférence sous invitation à la journée de formation continue des professeurs du Département de langue et littérature, Faculté de Lettres, Universidad de Costa Rica. 12 December 2016, San José, Costa Rica.

Caroline Pulfrey

INTED, Valencia, March 6-8th, 2023. Encouraging more secondary school pupils to study Computer Science: the importance, the challenges and what works.

ICERI, Seville, November 7th-8th, 2022. Human challenges schools face in their quest for digital integration and how to overcome them. Symposium presentation.

ICERI, Seville, November 7th-8th, 2022. What to prioritize in building academic digital capacity: using SELFIE to support digital development in schools. Symposium presentation and session chair.

AREF, Lausanne, September 12-16th, 2022. What to prioritize in building school digital capacity: the role of SELFIE as a tool for digital development. Presented in workshop : Gouvernance et Numérique.

IDC, Brag, Portugal, June 26th, 2022. Strategy, support and sharing: Keys to sustainable integration of learning technologies in schools. Presented in workshop: For the Long Run- Promoting Sustainable use of Learning Technologies in Schools

Edulearn, Palma, July 3-5th 2022. Emergency adaptation to distance Learning: no magic bullet, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Online presentation.

Didapro 9 – Didastic, May 18-20th, 2022. 1) La Science Informatique au lycée : comment assurer la qualité et la pertinence des ressources ? Workshop. 2) Enseigner la Citoyenneté Numérique à l’école primaire en utilisant des albums comme support de discussion - Bénéfices et défis.

Report to Canton de Vaud Education Department and State Minister of Education and Regional Press Conference. Lausanne. May, 2020. A votre Écoute : L’expérience des enseignants vaudois de l’enseignement à distance COVID_19.

Colloqium Auptic 2020, Louvain, France, November, 2020. L’enseignement à distance COVID 2019. Défis, solutions, opportunités. Individual talk in symposium.

7th International Self-Determination Conference, Amsterdam, May, 2019. You just can’t win: Power and achievement value adherence, lack of autonomy and emotional exhaustion in the workplace. Individual paper presentation.

19th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, May, 2019. Value congruence between individuals and organizations and employee burnout - It’s not just a question of fitting in. Individual paper presentation.

American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, April, 2017. Are you encouraging your students to cheat? How task instruction style impacts cheating behavior. Paper presented as part of symposium.

12th Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, July, 4-6th, 2018. Le Bon Tricheur. Individual paper.

15th Swiss Psychological Society Congress, Lausanne September 4th – 5th, 2017. Suited for Status? How office environments influence leadership characteristics in leader-subordinate interactions. Individual paper.

18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland. May, 17–20th, 2017. We are the 99%. Leader distance and counterproductive workplace behaviour. Individual paper.

The International Conference on Motivation, 2016. Thessaloniki, Greece. August 24 –27th, 2016. Under pressure to achieve? Task instructions and cheating. Presented in invited symposium.

The 11th Annual INGRoup Conference. Helsinki, Finland. July 14 – 16th, 2016. The Good Cheat. Adherence to benevolence values, ingroup loyalty and collective cheating. Individual paper.